MEDIAS: Press, television and radio

Articles de Presse

  • Preface written by Master Alexandra Hawrylyszyn of the Book by Christopher Bénard and Philippe Anjubault "Revelations on the riots of Villiers-le-Bel"- "Read this preface"
  • "Prostitution: "Will the law deter the client? Not sure""read this article"
  • "A paedophile sentenced to 10 years in prison for assaulting girls" "read this article"
  • "Val d'Oise, 10 years in prison for a paedophile who assaulted several girls" "read this article"
  • "The Uber of prostitution arrives in Germany: in France this app would be banned…" – 28 August 2015 "read this article"
  • Read also Mr. Hawrylyszyn's biography on

Emissions de télévision

Emissions de radio


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